oon se bana hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word oon se bana hua usage in english sentences. The examples of oon se bana hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., woollen.

Didn't his doctor tell him to take special precautions against the cold? But he wouldn't remember to put on a sweater even if it was lying on his bedside chair! How could he when Dibya had put her spell on him? She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya.

When the Spinning Jenny was introduced in the woollen industry, women who survived on hand spinning began attacking the new machines.
From the depredations of a lawless Banditti of colliers and their wives, for the wives had lost their work to spinning engines … they advanced at first with much insolence, avowing their intention of cutting to pieces the machine lately introduced in the woollen manufacture; which they suppose, if generally adopted, will lessen the demand for manual labour.
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